"am i now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? or am i trying to please men? if i were still trying to please men, i would not be a servant of Christ." - galatians 1:10
can i be so vulnerable as to say that i sometimes i have to pray to WANT to seek God's heart? i am no one by my own accord, and it has taken a swift kick in the rear to make me truly understand that i can be someone by God's grace and i NEED to be constantly relying on Him and pursuing Him to grow into that woman. i think the simplest advice i have ever been given was to "seek God. in everything, seek God." this is profound, to me, because i can count on one hand how many times this past month i have actually done so. and i am shamefaced. instead of running faster when i have lost my way, like most of us have a tendency to do, i want to take the focus off of myself (where it never should have been) and find ways to bless God, instead of looking for Him to bless me.
things of late that have inspired me:

blonde birdie

blonde birdie

did you know that owl's feathers are designed to be noiseless when they fly? that way their prey (who are nocturnal and rely mostly on sound) cannot hear them coming.
I've missed you<3